User Preferences
- Formatting - Set the default Date, Time and Name format in PayClock Online. Note: If the user wants a different Date, Time or Name format in reports they can set that separately from the Reports Preferences.
- Use This Date Format - Select the date format that will be used throughout PayClock Online.
- Use 24-Hour Time Format - Select this option to have the hours show 0 - 24 instead of AM / PM.
- Default Name Format - Select the name format that will be used throughout PayClock Online.
- Defaults - The user can select which Pay Period the Timecards will open to, their default Non-Work Pay Code, and their Non-Work Default Duration.
- Options - The user can select if PayClock Online will confirm when pressing Undo throughout the software or not, or select their landing page when logging in.
- Department Filters - The user can select which employees will display in the Home section by department.
- Employee Filters - The user can select if Inactive, Terminated, and Salaried employees will display in the Home section.
- Employee Grouping - The user can select if employees will appear grouped by Home Department or Employee Type in the Home section.
- Options - The user can select if exceptions will display in the Home section.
- Employees Tab - Select to see certain employees or to sort the list in a particular order such as by department or employee type. Also select whether to show or hide terminated and inactive employees.
- Columns Tab - The user can select which columns will be visible on the Timecard and the Summary areas.
- Options Tab - The user can select how certain actions within the Timecard behave, such as; Confirmation Deletions, Confirming Timecard Approvals, and Using New Rows for Days With A Department Transfer.
- Exceptions To Show - the user can select which exceptions will be tracked.
- Employee Filters - The user can select whether all employees with exceptions or employees with unapproved exceptions will display in the Exceptions section of Timecards.
- General Tab - Select how reports will be formatted.
- Pay Codes Tab - Select which default pay codes and column headers will display on reports.
- Employees Tab - Select whether to show or hide terminated and inactive employees.
- Advanced Tab - Set up a graphic to display on the report header and whether the Administrator can view personalized reports from all users.
- Filters - The user can select to see all employees or certain departments as well as inactive/terminated employees. They also have the ability to group employees by department or employee type.
- Filters - The user can select to see all employees or certain departments as well as inactive/terminated employees.
- Employee Grouping - The user can select whether or not the employee list will be grouped. The available groupings are department, pay class or employee type. If the employee list is grouped the user can select whether the list will be expanded or collapsed by default.
- Location Filters - The user can select which clocks will display in the Clocks section by location.
- Clock Filters - The user can select whether or not to display inactive clocks in the Clocks section.
- Clock Grouping - The user can select whether or not clocks will be grouped by location in the Clocks section.
- Pay Codes - The user can select whether or not to display inactive pay codes in the Setup | Pay Codes section.
- Shifts - The user can select whether or not to display inactive shifts in the Setup | Shifts section.
Fri 03/27/2020